Saturday, March 28, 2009

Long Long Long Ago...

I started this blog.. long long ago, lol. but it's been a while.
can't seem to find time to hop on a computer and just type away.

I went to the dentist today, i realized 2 things.
  1. I don't like the dentist.
  2. it's very easy on how we are able to just trust completely and hope they don't chip a tooth and that they perform their job right.
I think that i understand some people have trust issues, but if you can trust a stranger, why can't you trust someone close to you?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ultimate Frisbee

It's tiring.
Life Groups tonight. Looking forward to it, :D.

Hope everyone had a good day. Mine was ok.


Sunday, March 8, 2009

One death saves hundreds AND weekend review

Well, sadly today we received devasting news of a church where the Pastor of the church as well as 5 other attendants who were killed or seriously injured by some random murderer. We all mourn the loss of lives, but how can one death save hundreds? Well, obviously, one life saved millionsjillionsakajillion lives in the past and future. who?

But how can the death of a pastor save hundreds? well, i was working tonight and I heard church groups around the corner while i was cleaning and they were saying, "How come God didn't just do a miraculous thing during this whole situation? I mean, it's being broadcasted over CNN, see how much he'd get noticed."

I thought to myself.. Do they not notice that God is already being broadcasted? Yes it's not what they wanted to see, but how often do you see God or something about God on national television? The death of the pastor isn't only a loss, but a gain. Someone will watch and wonder certain things, which leads to curiousity. The death of a pastor plants seeds, for someone to work on and than someone will eventually reap what that pastor has sowed.

I don't know. just some thoughts.

here's one to think about, that i thought was interesting.

If something eventful happened at a church, should that event avert you away from what you are their to do? God shouldn't be compartamentalized to only stay within 4 walls. I am really tired, so for all you out their who are truly curious, ask me sometime in person as to what I meant on my blog, I can explain it to you so much easier in person thay typing.

Adíos friends, off to sleep. :D

Saturday, March 7, 2009

First Blog

I don't know what to really say for my first blog. I guess this.

Probably the last 3 weeks, I've been really upset at what my boss has done (scheduling me during hectic hours) and I'd get pretty angry at it. Than I realized something, God kinda pulled me aside and said, you are upset with the hours, but take a look at the days you have off. and what do you know, Tuesdays have been clearing up for me and I don't even ask for them.
God really is amazing, and maybe every once in a while we all should just take a step back from things, look at the situation and just be like, alright God, How can I see this through your eyes? and sure enough, he'll let you, but only if you ask.

That's all I got today.
Thanks Zach for telling me to start blogging, this first one goes out to you. :D